Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Doggies and Samurai!

Wow, after only two weeks of not posting Osgood's already about to put me on his "on-notice" list again?! Yipes! Well, here's a few things that I've been working on lately, hopefully this will keep me off the list for now. After finishing and touching up my website and all the extra hours I've been putting in at my part-time job, I haven't had time to work on much of anything. These last couple days though I started to work on some new storyboard samples for my portfolio staring two of my favorite characters I created, Samurai Jill and Lucky the dog. Here's some preliminary sketches I did on the characters before I stared storyboarding as well as some new cafe sketches and an attempt to caricature my brother-in-law. Enjoy!


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

great drawings!! love the character designs and sense of movement!

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Bixby Snipes said...

Brian.... I like these.

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Eren said...

Yay! Samurai Jill! And Lucky! And...your brother in law! Great sketches Brian!

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Osgood McSonogram said...

Now you're singing with honeycakes. That's more like it Growe.

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Garrett Shikuma said...

Nice shapes on Jill!
Cant wait to see some of your new Browe boards!

At 6:45 PM, Blogger blabla said...

neat sketches with a lot of movement!

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Martin Hsu said...

Hey Brian! Woah, great drawings you've got here! That puppy is super cute! Thanks for the comment you left :) see you around man!

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Paolo said...

Hi Brian!!! Thank you for visiting my blog... Your drawings are great, too!!! My english is bad, but let' s keep in touch, if you want! Paolo

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Darryl Young said...

Great character designs Brian! Samurai Jill is adorable. Keep up the good work!



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