Brian's Blog
Random thoughts, doodles and loose sketches to go along with the finished work on my website
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My New Website!

I've finally had a chance to update my old website, it's got a lot of new images as well as some of my better older images. The best part of my updated website is I've added my animation reel. I've been doing a lot of 3D character animation tests and I've re-shifted my focus to animation. I'll probably be posting more of animation tests here in my blog, as I work on them as well as some of my usually sketches. I hope everyone checks in from time to time to critique my work!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
August Sketch
New sketch for sale at Off the Page at California Adventure based on Mickey and Minnie in the short "Hawaiian Holiday." If you're interested in purchasing it, it'll only be available this month!

I'm also working on a redesign of my website with some of the animation tests I've been making for my portfolio reel. When I finish I'll announce it here within the next month or two. Thanks all of you who still visit, sorry about the infrequent posts!
Monday, May 03, 2010
May Sketch
Got my new sketch out selling at Off the Page right now, I'm really happy with how it turned out, hope everybody thinks so too! Get yours this month at Off the Page in Disney's California Adventure!

Thursday, February 04, 2010
February Sketch
Hey all, it seems all I sign on for anymore is for my sketches at Off the Page, but I hope you all like my latest! Available at Off the Page at Disney's California Adventure is the Sketch of the Month for February. $131.95 includes the sketch, a pin and custom framing. Come on down and pick up one while they're available!

Friday, December 18, 2009
December Sketch
I've got a new sketch for sale at Off the Page at California Adventure. Here's a preview:

Sunday, September 13, 2009
September Sketch
I'm a bad blogger, no posts for 3 months?! Well, to try to get a little life back in my blog here's my latest sketch over at Off the Page. It's doing really well so far, especially with all the Haunted Mansion Anniversary stuff going on at the park right now. And I present it to you here for your viewing pleasure, enjoy!

Monday, June 08, 2009
June Sketch
Hey all here's my most recent sketch of the month available at Off the Page at Disney's California Adventure, enjoy!

I'm working on some new doodles that I hope to post a few of soon, keep an eye out. Later!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March Sketch of the Month
Hey all, little slim on the posts lately. Sorry. Well I do have a couple new things:
1) The new Disney Gallery Website is up and running now, so feel free to stop by there and check out my new profile.
2) Also from the new Disney Gallery Website is my new Maleficent Sketch of the Month for this month too. Please come by Off the Page to pick one up!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Saturday's Pin Event
Hey everyone, my pin signing this weekend went really well! Thank you so much to those of you who might be reading that came to support me and pick up a pin or two of mine despite to rain and gloom that morning! I was really surprised to see the crowd. While walking through the store to the tables they had set up for us to sign at, I glanced outside and saw a line at the 1/2 way mark of the World of Disney store! Now I'm not sure if anyone knows or has been to this store before but it's a looooong store. Just seeing that was really surprising especially since I had heard that releases of Cast Create-a-Pins were usually less attended than regular pin events. But more surprising was that I heard later that the line I saw actually extended nearly to the end of the building! Now I know it wasn't just for me but it was really amazing to see such a turnout and a wonderful experience that I hope to have again someday (I'm working on my design for the next Create-a-Pin contest now!) Here're some pictures from the event, thanks so much again to those of you who came!